Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gender Dysphori A Controversial Mental Disorder - 1793 Words

Gender Dysphoria Katlynn Tolley Gender Dysphoria is a controversial mental disorder that affects the medical, social, and personal aspects of the lives of many people. There is no definite known cause that is agreed upon in the medical field. Research is still underway to determine causes of Gender Dysphoria as well as effective treatment options and ways to increase the quality of life for people diagnosed with it. Gender Dysphoria, or GD, is a condition in which an individual feels like their biological sex does not correspond with the gender they feel comfortable identifying as. To understand the disorder, you must first understand the meaning of the words. Gender is â€Å"the state of being male or female† (Merriam-Webster). Dysphoria is a synonym for dissatisfaction. Therefore, Gender Dysphoria means the individual is dissatisfied, or uncomfortable, with being either a biological male or a biological female. In the past, Gender Dysphoria used to be called â€Å"Gender Identity Disorder† (Web MD). Another name is â€Å"Transvestic Fetishism† (Britannica). Signs of Gender Dysphoria can become apparent in childhood. Younger children may dislike toys and activities for children their age that line up with their biological sex. Children this young typically do not understand gender, but this is an early sign that they are unaware of. They may also choose friends of the gender they consciously or subconsciously wish to be. They may be more attracted to these people because

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Walmart-Supply Chain Management - 4472 Words

A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Ganeshan and Harrison Supply chain provides a vital link between suppliers and customers. It involves meeting customers requirements in terms of time, quality and quantity. It helps to optimize design, planning, production, delivery of materials and other resources used in manufacturing and production. The main aim of the study was to investigate and analyze the ways in which the inventory management of Wal-Mart helps in its working. Hence, the author deeply analyzed and†¦show more content†¦Wal-Mart has a competitive advantage and maintains one of the lowest expense structures in retail due to a centralized IS with homegrown, common source codes, says Kevin Turner, former Communication Information Officer (CIO). FORTUNEs annual ranking of Americas largest corporations Rank Company Revenues ($ millions) Profits ($ millions) 1 Wal-Mart Stores 288,189.0 10,267.0 2 Exxon Mobil 270,772.0 25,330.0 3 General Motors 193,517.0 2,805.0 4 Ford Motor 172,233.0 3,487.0 5 General Electric 152,363.0 16,593.0 6 ChevronTexaco 147,967.0 13,328.0 7 ConocoPhillips 121,663.0 8,129.0 8 Citigroup 108,276.0 17,046.0 9 American Intl. Group 98,610.0 11,050.0 10 Intl. Business Machines 96,293.0 8,430.0 Source: From the April 18, 2005 issue, Figure 3: Fortunes 2005 annual ranking of Americas largest corporation Inventory management Wal-Mart, pioneer in the inventory management, since 1990s, has reduced its overall cost structure, enhanced supply chain efficiency and increasing customer service. In order to continuous improve its receiving and shelvingShow MoreRelatedWalmart And Supply Chain Management Essay881 Words   |  4 Pagestransforming its business practices related to supply chain management is Walmart. In 1962, the first Walmart was open, so was Target and Kmart. Sam Walton was the founder of Walmart. Mr. Walton was known for his ways of being cheap in business and in his personal life. Walmart was mainly a success because of Mr. Walton’s wanted to keep costs low and then use cost advantage to lower down prices to increase volume. It went round and round and now, Walmart stands as one of the largest retail stores globallyRead MoreWalmart : Supply Chain Management1334 Words   |  6 PagesThe company I think that has been successful at transforming its business practices related to supply chai n management is Walmart. In 1962, the first Walmart was open, so was Target and Kmart. Sam Walton was the founder of Walmart. Mr. Walton was known for his ways of being cheap in business and in his personal life. Walmart was mainly a success because of Mr. Walton’s wanted to keep costs low and then use the cost advantage to lower down prices even more than they were. After he did this he couldRead MoreSupply Chain Management : Walmart And Amazon Essay838 Words   |  4 PagesSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-INDIVIDUAL Introduction: The supply chain management is considered as a management concept from past two decades as the customers are concerned about timely and safe delivery. The competitiveness has been increasing among the companies to deliver the products as quickly as possible to the customers all around the world. This has made the supply chain management as a vital tool for the management. This is also measured as a competitive parameter for the companies. The two supplyRead MoreSupply Chain Management: Walmart Essay1812 Words   |  8 PagesWal-Mart, now it is branded as Walmart, is the world largest public multinational corporation by revenue in 2010, which runs a chain of large discount department stores and a chain of warehouse stores worldwide. Walmart focuses on the improvement of sales, constant reducing costs to offer goods at the best price, the adaptation of efficient distribution and logistics management systems to ensure the constant flow of the goods and the use of innovative IT and systems to accurate efficient operatingRead MoreWalmart Supply Chain Management System2559 Words   |  11 PagesWALMART REATIL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT System Karan Dewan 300808446 Professor Jeff Parsons Business Communication BUSN 733-102 12th November 2014 Executive Summary Wal-Mart supply chain management system is one of the best in the world. Wal-Mart emphasized the need to reduce purchasing costs and offer the best price to the customer. The company directly procured from manufacturers, by passing all intermediaries. For Wal-Mart, its SCM methods yield lower costs for products and inventoryRead MoreWalmart Case Study: Half a Century of Supply Chain Management3998 Words   |  16 Pagesï » ¿[;’p// Walmart Case Study: Half a Century of Supply Chain Management SCM 607 Dr. John Wu March 15, 2014 Table of Contents Walmart Case Study: Half a Century of Supply Chain Management INTRODUCTION Walmart dominates the retailing industry in terms of its sales revenue, its customer base, and its ability to drive down costs and deliver good value to its customers. After all, the world’s largest corporation, employing 1.8 million associates worldwide, takes pride inRead MoreProject Report on Supply Chain Management of Walmart Under the Guidance of: Submitted by:1482 Words   |  6 PagesPROJECT REPORT ON SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OF WALMART UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: SUBMITTED BY: MOHD FAIZAN YUSUF PGDM 2009-11 Galgotias Business SchoolRead MoreWalmarts Vision And Strategies1542 Words   |  7 PagesWalmart stores can be found across the United States and 26 other countries globally, including – Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Ghana, China, United Kingdom, India, and others. In order to adequately serve the expanding demand for quality goods at reasonable prices – Walmart has to ensure that its supply-chain functions efficiently on a regular basis. To this end, in what follows, the author explores the manner in which Walmart manages its supply-chain, the impact of the management of theRead MoreSupply Chain1145 Words   |  5 Pages1 Components of Supply Chain Management (SCM) The main elements of a supply chain include purchasing, operations, distribution, and integration. The supply chain begins with purchasing. Purchasing managers or buyers are typically responsible for determining which products their company will sell, sourcing product suppliers and vendors, and procuring products from vendors at prices and terms that meets profitability goals. Supply chain operations focus on demand planning, forecasting, and inventoryRead MoreStrategic Vision And Operations Planning1210 Words   |  5 Pages Over the past ten years Walmart has become one of the most powerful retails with the highest sales around the world. The company has been recognized with a successful supply chain management. However as 2016, Walmart closed 269 stores, this means that not all the stores are successful and there is a problem that is affecting its operations planning. Walmart by 32nd St. has operation planning problems during winter time when the population increases in the area. This report was written to understand

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Moldau Free Essays

Connie Ju| [The Moldau] Smetana | Year 11 Music 2 Musicology Essay| | Smetana’s Moldau is a musical portrayal of the main river which runs through the countryside of Bohemia (present day Czech Republic). The piece begins with a sweet one bar theme that is played by two solo flutes, representing the trickle of a small creek. The soft melody played in piano and â€Å"lusingando†, which means to be played in a coaxing style, convey the delicate and smoothness of the water. We will write a custom essay sample on The Moldau or any similar topic only for you Order Now The ascending semi-quavers accompanied with a slight crescendo at the beginning of the phrase as well as a two quaver rests at the end of the bar create a rippling effect, symbolising the slight waves of a stream. Furthermore, the lone plucked pizzicato quavers by the strings add small splashes of colour to decorate the continuously flowing melody of the airy flutes. The light, fluttering tone colour of the solo flutes and the thin texture portray the clear appearance of the water as it makes its way across the land. Bar 1 -2 (solo flutes) Bar 1 -2 (accompanying strings) The first bar theme is repeated to become the basis of this extract, however there are also variations of the theme were the starting note is changed to indicate a different scenery or perhaps some animals, such as small fishes, that are swimming through the water that make the river full of life. Bar 5 (repeat of the theme)Bar 8 (variation of theme) Bar 10 (variation of theme) The texture of this work begins as very thin as there are only solo flutes that play the melody that portray the simple and tiny stream accompanied with light pizzicato of strings that add to the tone colour. This means that the start of this piece is played in a thin homophonic texture. Bar 1 -4 (homophony) However, when the texture at bar 16 is compared to the first four bars, it is thicker as there is the addition of clarinets that play an alternate melody. This new melody is in a contrary motion to the existing flute melody and plucking strings which represent widening of the tiny creek so the water is moving a bit more wildly. The polyphonic texture consists of two major layers and the randomly placed pizzicato chords which are a reminder of water’s unpredictable motions. Bar 16 (flutes, clarinets, strings – polyphonic texture) The two small rivers that make up the larger Moldau meets at bar 28 where the clarinets stop for a bar and the violas begin their melody. This short bar acts as a bridge, the connection where the bodies of water finally merge to create a great river. The bigger river in bar 29 is conveyed by the three different layers, flutes, clarinets, and violas. Continuous semi-quavers that rise and fall in pitch still represent the fluidity and continuity of the water but now the extra layer means that the river is wilder with bigger waves and other movements. Bar 28 (melodies played by flutes and strings) Bar 29-30 (flutes, clarinets, viola) Bar 36 sees even more layers as the strings begin to play the flowing melody of the river. The start of the larger body of water is indicated by a strong perfect cadence by the lower strings (bar 36). At the widest point of the river, bar 40, the whole orchestra plays. All the instruments playing together expresses the notion that this is the climax of the river and it is wildest at this point. The wind instruments, however, play a slower melody of slurred crochets and quavers with a drawn out crescendo and the instruction of â€Å"dolce†. The new melody presents the idea that the river is experiencing different landscapes, such as quiet, peaceful pastoral lands or rolling hills in the distance. This polyphonic texture continues until the end of the excerpt. These additional tone colours further build upon the majestic nature of the river as well as its more powerful movements. Bar 36-37 (increased layers) Bar 40 (different melodies, thick texture) The dynamics of this piece correspondingly represent the growth of the river. In both bars 1 and 2, there is a lone crescendo plus an accent, this is the river just starting out so it is not very dramatic compared to bar 20 and 21 where there is a crescendo and a decrescendo within one bar. Moreover, in bars 41-42, not only are there crescendos and decrescendos but the additional sforzando sign. The â€Å"p† for piano in the bar directly after (bar 43) simply adds to the tempestuous nature of the water as there are more dramatic things happening in a faster-flowing large river. Bar 1 (slight crescendo, â€Å"lusingando†, accent, â€Å"p†) Bar 20-21 (crescendo and descrendo) Bars 41-43 (dramatic dynamics) The tone colour of the instruments also changes as the river grows. The solo flutes at the beginning create a sweet, airy, light sound of a stream but the orchestral playing altogether from bar 40 onwards makes a stormy sound much like the torrents of a wild river. Having the lower strings playing the melody instead of the winds depicts the strength of the matured river compared to the higher pitched flutes that represented the fragility and daintiness of a stream. Bar 40 (full orchestra playing – polyphonic texture and extra tone colour) This musical program by Smetana artistically conveys the development of the iconic Moldau River through the use of various techniques such as texture, structure, rhythm, tone colour, and dynamics. He is able to represent all the aspects of the constantly moving river, beginning with a delicate stream and finishing with a majestic river. Word Count: 940 How to cite The Moldau, Essay examples